Why do we have problems? Why can't we stay happy all the time?

These are perhaps the most commonly asked questions by all of us. The answer is: because we need them. Yes, we need problems in life.
Why? Because they play the most important part in the game of evolution, expansion and growth. And growth is one of the 3 basic human needs; which are, the need for Purpose, the need for Security and the need for Growth. Difficult times help us in our human need for growth and expansion. Growth is necessary for a happy and successful life.
Now you might be wondering that how can growth help us to live happy lives when it is so difficult? If I want a happy life then the last thing I want is problems, right? Because isn't that the opposite of happiness?
That's true. And I'm definitely writing this article to help you live a happier and a more successful life.
The thing is that the reason why problems occur in our life is due to our need to grow. Now, there is a difference between hardship happening to you and you facing hardship. Let me explain. When you sit around and try to chill and enjoy all the time, and you just want to enjoy the easy atmosphere of your cozy comfort zone, but then all of a sudden when something bad happens to you and you freak out and start getting angry and sad on life, you lose all the hopes and become depressed. You'll also have a hard time in facing difficult situations because you are not prepared for them and all you want is to actually keep chillaxing in your comfort zone - which is so much nicer than the face of a fierce problem. This makes you literally suffer and rejoice in pain. Even though after some suffering you'll eventually learn the lesson which that problem has taught you and the problem itself will be solved one day and you might probably have become a better and a stronger person with new valuable experiences, but then, you are going back to your comfort zone and hope for no other problem to occur ever again. But after a while, it will be knocking on your door again. This keeps on repeating itself for the whole life.
But here is a different scenario. If on the other hand, you consciously prepare yourself for growth. If you intentionally take the courage to do things that are difficult but eventually bring you to where you want to be in life. And if you start facing every challenge that comes in your way on the road to achieving your dreams. This time it's a whole difficult situation. Because now you will not get shocked or disappointed by these problems because you are prepared. You are ready to face every difficulty that comes your way and you take power over all the fears that you have, because you know that behind all this suffering waits your dream life - the things that you always wanted to have and the goals that you always wanted to accomplish. For this, challenges of daily life will not really be able to overpower you because you started the battle, and you had the consciousness from the beginning that you will surely win this game. And even if things don't turn out the way you wanted them to be, you will still remain a legend. And you will have all the rights to be proud of it. To be proud for all that you did to achieve your dreams. And all the priceless experiences that you have learnt along the journey. And last but not least, the strong and brave person that all of it has made you. This makes life more exciting and fun. If you live life with this type of consciousness then celebrating the triumph for your achievements and great victory will be much more fun, fulfilling and satisfactory than the
now boring comfort zone which you once thought to be the best place in life.
So basically, if we don't prepare to face challenges every day and take the steps to achieve our dreams, which is actually 'we approaching problems and hustling and bustling to solve them and make it through,
instead of problems approaching us because of our NEED for growth'. Problems are a free gift of life. We often take them for granted if we don't learn from them and don't use them as tools for growth and advancement. And let me end this article by saying that problems occur in our life for an important lesson that we need to learn for our own benefit, and as long as we don't learn the lesson and as long as we don't grow, the same problem will happen again and again.