Disclaimer: This article is
about making certain choices which allow us to live a life that is filled with joy, success, love, happiness
and positivity most of the time. After reading this article, some readers may
get questions in their mind like, "but a life without problems and
living in constant happiness seems too unrealistic because we all know that
life can never be happy and smooth all the
time." My answer for these types of question is that it is true that life can never be happy and smooth all the time because sometimes there are rainy days and sometimes there
are sunny days. And we can't do anything about it. The truth is that, we need
rainy days in order to value the sunny days and vice versa. Polarity and change
are necessary for progress and advancement in life. Therefore, sometimes even
if we try our best to live a positive life, we'll still experience negative
situations every now and then. And it is totally fine, because only through
negative situations we can learn how to be more positive and only after facing
negativity we can embrace positivity and experience more of it into our life.
Especially when we embark on a journey towards a good and positive life, we
will get to experience sometimes really hard times but when we look closely,
we'll find that these hard times are actually benefitting us on our journey
towards our goals and dreams. The more positivity a person is aiming
for, the more negativity they have to experience and learn from. At the end of the
day, we are not our own God. There is a higher source which knows better than
us, what is right for our best progress and advancement. And that higher source
is always helping us to achieve our best lives. So our biggest challenge and
duty in life is to focus on the positive even when times get tough and to
always trust the progress and remain positive and hopeful through every
situation. I swear that the results which you will experience after maintaining a positive mindset through hard situations, will be a real triumph and success. Once you experience
that, it will further empower and encourage you to be more positive and to
choose even more of the good in life. Hereby I encourage you to read my article Need for Speed or Need for Problem?
Now let us jump straight into the main theme of today's article: one of the biggest choices in
life that is so often neglected by us is the choice for the good. By the good I mean everything that feels good, sounds good and looks good - every
positive emotion, feeling, thought, action or words and everything that is
based on peace and love. The truth is that the good and all its attributes is
not something that one can achieve through luck. But it's a choice. It is a
choice that we all can make every day. We all, no matter which part of the
earth, no matter which circumstance in life, we always have the choice to
either choose the good or choose the bad. And since our outside world is very
often a reflection of our internal state, when we make our internal state good
- such as through good thoughts, feelings and emotions, then our outside world
will also change in a positive way. Hence the most well-known verse and
"The condition of people will not change until they change what
is within themselves." (The Quran; Chapter 13, Verse 11)
This is the biggest truth. And
this is also the reason why bad things happen to good people. It is because
these people are holding on to fears, doubts, worries and different negative
thoughts and emotions. Their internal state remains negative and therefore,
their external world becomes a reflection of that. This is why some good people
are living a life in which whatever they are afraid of will come true and
manifest in their world. But the good news is that we have a choice. We are
still given the choice every single day to fill ourselves with positive
thoughts, emotions and feelings. And also to say things that are positive and
to surround ourselves with positivity - such as positive people, and a beautiful
Once you understand this
concept, your whole life will change.
About the Author
Sumayah U.R. is the Chief Executive Officer at Inspired Living Counselling enterprises. She is the author of the book The Relationship between Islam and Modern Science. She has a BA in Islamic Studies and a Certificate in Education from the Islamic Online University.
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